
Frontend development

We are passionate about development of robust, scalable code by our seriously talented front end developers, employing best-practice methodology and cutting-edge solutions.

Attention to detail and seamless interactions that assist a user on their journey are core to our thinking when it comes to the front end development of our websites, microsites, applications and other digital solutions.

Modern standards approach

The technologies that drive the modern web move a mile a minute. Whether it’s front end frameworks like Vue.js, React, Nuxt or Next.js; animation libraries like GSAP, React Spring, Framer Motion and Three.JS; or more complex projects involving server-side rendering, headless CMS, or static site generators — we keep up to speed on these latest and greatest technologies, choosing whichever makes the most sense for your product and users.

Component based development

When we build websites for our clients, we keep the ongoing management of that website (even long after our engagement might come to an end) top of mind. That’s why our front end developers often prefer a component-based development approach. This gives you the power and flexibility to build your own, unique pages out of pre-built content components. That way, you can create beautiful pages that serve the needs of your content, rather than destroying your content so it ”fits” into a lifeless, static template.

Digital animation + microinteraction design

Creating a useful, usable and pleasurable interface doesn’t just come down to design. There are countless opportunities to inject motion, surprise, delight and encouragement into the pages and components that make up your website through subtle and not-so-subtle digital animation. From button clicks to fully mesmerising experiences, we can breathe life into your designs responsibly and immersively.

Next section: Backend development

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